During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people suddenly found themselves under stay-at-home orders. For many people that meant that in marriages which had relationship tensions prior to the pandemic, found themselves being pushed further to make decisions about the course of those marriages. Where attempts to resolve marital problems have failed, man people found themselves unable or unwilling to see a future for their marriage. The decision to end a marriage during this pandemic means that there are financial considerations that will weigh heavily on the outcome of the divorce. The stock market and the value of retirement accounts have all suffered in the wake of the impact of Covid-19. If there are minor children involved, it also means taking into account new issues concerning the educational processes put into place as a result of the pandemic. Parental involvement in the learning at home programs that have been utilized by schools may now impact parenting time schedules. All of these issues need careful consideration and planning as part of the divorce process. Thomas Law Group is prepared to assist each divorce client is creating a strategic plan to create the best outcomes for our clients.
The divorce process is difficult and can be lengthy under normal circumstances. The process of divorce has had to address new pressures as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The courts were closed for weeks and the cases that had been scheduled have been rescheduled. The courts are operating with reduced staff and currently, in-person hearings are conducted in limited circumstances. Some non-evidentiary hearings, conference calls by phone are now being utilized. The evidentiary hearings which have been held are being done by a video conferencing services such as Webex which requires access to computers with internet services capable of managing the required bandwidth necessary for those programs to operate correctly. It is important to understand that at Thomas Law Group, we have the ability to manage these kinds of hearings, even when clients may not have the technology personally. We can conduct consultations by phone or by Zoom Meeting. We understand that there are significant health risks to many people in our community and we have the technology to help protect their health while helping them address divorce, child custody or other family law matters.
Please contact us so that we can assist you in planning your case and utilize the technology to move your case through the new reality of case management in the court system.
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